The Truth About California’s Sanctuary State Law

California’s Sanctuary State Law California’s Sanctuary State Law, which was introduced as a senate bill in 2016 and passed into law by Governor Brown in 2017, has been the topic of debate but also a source of confusion for many California residents. The law, often referred to as SB 54, officially makes California a “sanctuary […]
3 Important Details to Understand About the DACA Renewal Process
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, commonly referred to as DACA, was established in 2012 under the Obama administration with the intent of providing individuals who arrived in the United States under the age of 16 with a renewable – although temporary – work permit and protections against deportation. Individuals who were safely and legally residing […]
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

DACA RENEWALS ARE STILL BEING ACCEPTED DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALS (DACA) 2018 UPDATE: In January and February 2018, the federal court ordered the USCIS to continue to accept DACA applications. The USCIS will continue to accept applications for renewal of DACA for those who had applied before, but will not accept new applications. […]